EMACF1.com ONLY the BEST 4 Racing [hosted@emacberry.com]
Ralph Hummerich's            

           Racing World
[all action car-images are renders made by F1Racer]

Welcome to Ralph Hummerich's Racing World - on this Site you will find all publications from Ralph - including links to work of codesigers & friends.
If you want to link to this site, then please use the following URL: http://www.emacf1.com/rh

Available Season Sets...


Season 2005 [Version 1.0] for
[preview & download]


Season 2004 [Version 1.05] for
[preview & download]
Complete Season 2003 for EA's F1Challenge '99-'02


Season 2003 [Version 1.2] for
[preview & download]
Complete Season 2003 for EA's F1Challenge '99-'02
Season 2003 [Version 1.2] for
[preview & download]
Complete Season 2003 for EA's F1 2002


Season 2002 for
In Cooperation with Jouko Saarinen [who is responsible for the MenuArt's] Ralph have published a very nice & detailed Season 2002 Grand Prix 3 Season 2002 update.
This Update is available in two Versions [one for the original carshape and another including a generic season 2001 carshape].
Season 2002 for
Right now Ralph just have started with editing GrandPrix 4 cars - currently the following cars are available for download: BAR
Season 2002 [Version 1.2] for
[preview & download]
Complete Season 2002 for EA's F1 2001
Season 2002 [Version 1.2] for
[preview & download]
Complete Season 2002 for EA's F1 2002


Season 2001 [Version 2.02] for
[preview & download]
[additional previews 1]
[additional previews 2]
In Cooperation with Jouko Saarinen [who is responsible for the MenuArt's] Ralph have published a very nice & detailed Season 2001 Grand Prix 3 update.
This Update is available in two Versions [one for the original carshape and another including a generic season 2001 carshape].
Season 2001 for
A Complete Season 2001 update for "GrandPrix Season 2000"
Season 2001 [Version 0.9a] for
[preview & download]
Complete Season 2002 for EA's F1 2001
Season 2001 [final] for
[preview & download]
On This Side you can download all cars for the Season 2001 for F1 Racing Championship [right now no Seasonset is available - you have to download all 11 Cars separately]


Season 2000 [PremiumEdition] for
[preview & download]
In Cooperation with Jouko Saarinen [who is responsible for the MenuArt's] Ralph have published a very nice & detailed Season 2000 Grand Prix 3 update.
Season 2000 [PremiumEdition] for
[preview & download]
The already known great Premium Edition with adjutmets to the new Carshape of GP3 Season 2000 + additional trasparent Features !


Season 1996 for
[preview & download]
This Season Update contains everything which is needed to participate in the F1 Season of the Year 1996 [only MenuArt's are missing right now]
Season 1996 for
[preview & download]
This is "just" converted from the original GP3 Version - which was created in Ralph's early GP3 days...