EMACF1.com ONLY the BEST 4 Racing [hosted@emacberry.com]

Unofficial GP3 Cockpit's & Wheels
Only the Best carset 4 GP3

Designer List:
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Ad Hoc Studio http://www.f1design.de
EMAC http://www.emacf1.com/gp3

 Type  Designer   Previews   Date / File

Generic Momo / NO LCD
Ad Hoc Studio & EMAC

[click to enlarge]
GenericAdHocEMAC.zip [559 Kb] 01. Aug 2001

This ZIP contains the Hardware AND the Software Version of this Wheel - Please read the install instructions for additional notes. You are need the CockpitEditor [gp3ce.exe (available e.g. at AlphaF1)] from Damien Legros to install the LED-Positions of this steering wheel.
Additionaly read the known Problems/Bugs...

Generic Momo / LCD
Ad Hoc Studio
(SW converted by EMAC)

[click to enlarge]
AdHocEMACMomoDesign.zip [570 Kb] 03. Aug 2001

This ZIP contains the Hardware AND the Software Version of this Wheel - Please read the install instructions for additional notes. You are need the CockpitEditor [gp3ce.exe (available e.g. at AlphaF1)] from Damien Legros to install the LED-Positions of this steering wheel.
Additionaly read the known Problems/Bugs...

Insane / NO LCD
Ad Hoc Studio
(SW converted by EMAC)

[click to enlarge]
InsaneAdHocEMAC.zip [551 Kb] 02. Aug 2001

This ZIP contains the Hardware AND the Software Version of this Wheel - Please read the install instructions for additional notes. You are need the CockpitEditor [gp3ce.exe (available e.g. at AlphaF1)] from Damien Legros to install the LED-Positions of this steering wheel.
Additionaly read the known Problems/Bugs...

Insane / LCD
EMAC & Ad Hoc Studio

[click to enlarge]
InsaneLCDEMACAdHoc.zip [556 Kb] 02. Aug 2001

This ZIP contains the Hardware AND the Software Version of this Wheel - Please read the install instructions for additional notes. You are need the CockpitEditor [gp3ce.exe (available e.g. at AlphaF1)] from Damien Legros to install the LED-Positions of this steering wheel.
Additionaly read the known Problems/Bugs...

Generic Momo / LCD
Ad Hoc Studio
(SW converted by EMAC)

[click to enlarge]
AdHocEMACGP3-2000.zip [643 Kb] 25. Aug 2001

This ZIP contains the Hardware AND the Software Version of this Wheel - Please read the install instructions for additional notes. This Wheel is for GP3 Season 2000 Addon ONLY!
Additionaly read the known Problems/Bugs...

"NO LCD"-Cockpits does NOT display any TEXT inside the Wheel [Pit's etc...] So you are some sort of "blind" in the pits...
"LCD"-Cockpits could display some text over each other. Anyhow it's strongly recomended to use the /ldata/*.3d files which are included in the ZIP's!
If you are using the Generic Carshape for the Season 2001 which comes with R.Hummerich's / EMAC's Carset, then in the SW-Mode it could be, that the Wheel will be cut of at the top of the Cockpit.
If you have "light blue" noise around the center of the wheel, then go to the /Gp3jamsH/Main directory - delete "Steer9b.jam" and rename "Steerb9_noisefree.jam" to "Steerb9.jam"
[This noise is generated by the filtering of some graphic cards]