EMACF1.com ONLY the BEST 4 Racing [hosted@emacberry.com]

How 2 convert MenuArts
from to
Only the Best 4 Grand Prix 3 - EMAC's unofficial Season update Packages

Here is what you are going to need: Please Note: All what you DO, you do it on your own RISK! - Do not send us any emails about "Where I can find ArtTool" or about any "BUG's in CarsetCreator BETA5" - this Tutorial is for those of you, who know, WHAT they ARE doing...
Additionally NOTE, that the Rotating Logos a different from GP3 and GP3 Season 2000. You can/have to modify the Graphics before export them into your GP3 Season 2000 game [if you do not like to have "strange rotating logos"] - To do this save the (from GP3) imported MenuArts to BMP-files and remove the rotating logos from the BMP's - then load the Images back into CarsetCreator Beta 5 and export it into GP3 Season

After you have READ THIS you can go to the Tutorial...2000. [More Info can be found at the following ForumThread: MenuArt Tutorial Question.]

1.) Start ArtTool
2.) Select from the "Edit"-Menu "Expand Menu Art File"
3.) Select the file "GP2000v1.bin" and choose Open...
4.) Select "Expand Team Arts" and Press the "Expand Selected Images"... Now it takes a while to expand the file [Make sure, that you have enough HD space left (70MB required)]
5.) Close the ArtTool and go into the "GP3 Season 2000\Bitmap" directory and rename the GP2000v1.bin to a name you like [e.g. GP2000v1.bin.org]. ArtTool have created a new Version of the bin file with the name new_GP2000v1.bin. This file have the expanded content and need to be renamed to GP2000v1.bin.
6.) Start CarsetCreator
7.) Choose from the "Tool"-Menu "GrandPrix 3-2000 Location"
8.) Select the Directory where your original GP3 is located and select the Radio button "Edit GP3 v1.13" and press OK.
9.) Choose from the "Tool"-Menu the "Import" Option
10.) Select the "All" Checkbox under the "MenuArts" List and press the "Import"-Button
11.) Choose again from the "Tool"-Menu "GrandPrix 3-2000 Location"
12.) Now Select the Radio button "Edit GP3 2000 Season" and select the location of your Grand Prix Season 2000 Directory [select the GP3_2000.exe] and press OK.
13.) Choose from the "Tool"-Menu the "Export" Option
14.) Select the "All" Check box under the "MenuArts" List and press the "Export"-Button
15.) Close CarsetCreator!
16.) Start GP3 Season 2000 via GPxPatch

That's it :-) Cause the Rotating Logos a different from GP3 and GP3 Season 2000 you can/have to modify the Graphics before export them into your GP3 Season 2000 game - To do this save the (from GP3) imported MenuArts to BMP-files and remove the rotating logos from the BMP's - then load the Images back into CarsetCreator Beta 5 and export it into GP3 Season 2000.