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Ivo Franics's
           Racing World
Last update:
6/5/2009 (10:06 CET)
Welcome to Ivo Franic's Racing World - on this Site you will find all publications from Ivo - including links to work of codesigers & friends.
If you want to link to this site, then please use the following URL: http://www.emacf1.com/ivo
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The Site News...
Date Info...
03/07/20 Version v1.1 of 2003RH have become available. In this Version the BAR, the Jordan, the Minardi and the Williams have updated liveries. Additionally to that the Minardi have been updated with new shapes. We are aware that there are other Teams that have updated aerodynamical parts, but these updates will take a bit longer time. So we decided to make them step by step.
If you have already installed the Season 2003RH, then an 2.8 MB Update v1.0 -> v1.1 installer is available for download. Please select your F1C'99-'02 as destination directory. The installer will update all required files in your MAS files.
Of course the complete Season 2003 download pack have been updated to v1.1 too. So if you have not already downloaded the Season 2003 pack for F1C'99-'02 you will get already the update with the complete pack download.
03/07/14 Added an own "Render" Page for the Season 2003 Cars created by Ivo Franic and Ralph Hummerich.
03/07/13 Tantra have prepared Season 2003RH compatible Track updates for Australia, Austria, Canada, Monaco, Europa and Germany. You could download these tracks from Tantra's Homepage. Each track update is a single & easy to use sfx installer.
03/07/11 Finally it's done! - get your copy of Ralph Hummerich's & Ivo Franic's Season 2003 for F1C'99-'02!. Download the pack from the download page in the meanwhile you can enjoy some previews.
03/05/02 Updated Ivo Franic's short Bio. Read some details about this great [at least everbody from our team thinks so] car modeler @ his short bio page.
03/04/30 Site created...

Your HELP is needed! - Ivo & Ralph have noticed that a lot of people have started to modify theire previous Season cars to make them look like the actual Season cars - Theses people haven't ask Ralph nor Ivo for theire permission if they are allowed to publish these modified cars. Please do NOT support any kind of this behavior - if you notice such cars [carsets] on the net - please drop us a note leechers@emacf1.com.

WE ARE really pissed about these people and thinking about to quit when those people will continue - so please help us to stop them. [Read how YOU can help...]

If you have any other feedback then please send an email to feedback@emacf1.com.