Installation Instructions/FAQ
Only the Best 4 Grand Prix 3 - EMAC's unofficial Season update Packages
What you need in any case is a program which can unzip the files which can be downloaded from this side (like Winzip). You DO NOT NEED any kind of JAM-Editor. The files provides by this web side can be used as they are.
All patches requires the FULL installation of the Game !
A single car in GP3Edit Format
- Extract the ZIP-File.
- open the .GP3 File with GP3Edit v1.1x or higher (download GP3Edit)
- Select the "Export Data to game"-Button from the toolbar
(The Car to export is automaticaly selected) - Klick on the Quick-Select Button: "Team/Driver Data" two times to uncheck all Checkboxes in the "Team/Driver Data" Groupbox
- Select the "Car Number Positions" Checkbox
- Press the "Export"-Button
- Select the "Export Data to game"-Button from the toolbar
- You are done ;-)
Import a single MenuArt BMP into GP3 with GP3Edit
- Extract the ZIP-File.
- open GP3Edit v1.1x or higher (download GP3Edit)
- go to the "Artwork"-Tab:
- Select the Team you want to update and press the "Load"-Button.
- Browse to the Directory where you have extracted the bmp-File you have downloaded
- After you have selected the file, press the "Open"-Button.
- Press the "Export"-Button to export the File into your GP3 Game
- You are done ;-)
Cars, Cockpits and Helmets
- Extract the ZIP-File.
- Depending what Version [Hard/Soft] you have downloaded copy the .JAM files into the following directories:
Hard: /Your GP3 GameDir/Gp3JamsH/Liveries
Soft: /Your Gp3 GameDir/Gp3Jams/Liveries
(The Pa_*.JAM files are the Cockpits) - Please Note: Before copying the files into your original GP3 Game directory make sure, that you have made a backup of the original files !
- If the ZIP-File does NOT contains a .JAM File - please send a note to
- Extract the ZIP-File - Important: Make sure when you extract the files, that you keep the file structure included in the ZIP-File.
- The File Structure should look like this:
Hard: DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/Genjam/Podgen04.jam
Hard: DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/Main/JM-*.jam's
Soft: DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Genjam/Podgen04.jam
Soft: DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/JM-*.jam's
- Copy the files into the matching directories of your GP3 Game directory.
- Please Note: Before copying the files into your original GP3 Game directory make sure, that you have made a backup of the original files !
- Extract the ZIP-File - Important: Make sure when you extract the files, that you keep the file structure included in the ZIP-File.
- The File Structure should look like this:
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/Whblur0.jam
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/Whblur1.jam
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/Whbridg0.jam
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/Whbridg1.jam
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Treadbs1_art.bmp
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Treadbs2_art.bmp
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Treadgy1_art.bmp
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Treadgy2_art.bmp
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Whblur0.bmp
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Whblur1.bmp
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Whbridg0.bmp
DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Whbridg1.bmp
- Copy the files into the matching directories of your GP3 Game directory. For the *.BMP files NO Jam-Editor is needed !
- Please Note: Before copying the files into your original GP3 Game directory make sure, that you have made a backup of the original files !
Teams, Numbers and Names Performance
- Extract the ZIP-File.
- The content of the ZIP-File should be the following files:
- Open the "EMAC_2001_Names_GP3Edit.GP3" with GP3Edit and export the Data into your GP3 Game. [If you need Instructions how to use GP3Edit see the FAQ]
- If you like to use the extended Performance Data - unzip the "" and follwo the instructions given in the "PERFINFO.TXT".
- The Tool you need to import / export the images for the Menus is provided by: Garren T. The File you need to import/export images is and could be downloaded from here (but it's also included in the MenuArt file you could download from this side)
- Extract the ZIP-File.
- The content of the ZIP-File should be the following files:
/gp3form.txt (Read me for the Editor)
/Williams.bmp - Start the GP3ArtEd.exe and specify the path to the gp3art5.bin file (it's located in the DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Bitmaps directory)
- Import for each Team the appropriate BMP-File (a backup of the original Files will be generated automatically gp3art5.bin.old)
- Quit the Editor
Can you change it back to the original?
Basically all updates modify more or less you GP3 Files installed on your hard drive [e.g. jams]. Most GP3 updates comes with the note, that you should backup you original file before updating...
OK at least one thing is for sure: You have to install the FULL Version of the game in order to use the update - so if you haven't installed it yet - you should do it.
How2Make a Backup?
The simples way to creating a backup of you original game is just copy the complete game directory [e.g. C:\Programme\Grand Prix 3] to secure place. Then you can be sure what ever goes wrong you have all the files you like to have [including you settings & records] - if this is not important you can re-install the game anytime to get the original cars back ;-)
What else do you need to change like performance?
EMAC's carset file contains a additional zip "" which containing the information what else do you need for applying the complete performance update (including the physical data update via the AdvancePerformaceEditor) - Please read and follow the instructions given there.
But basically the Update contains all Data in the Gp3Edit format [also the basic performance adjustments]
Does it look as good as the original GP3 1998 set up?
The Original "liveries" [textures] are some sort of disappointing when you compare them too the once which are includes in the update - even for the Season 1998 EMAC is proving (made by Jan Frischkorn) an update [with full Tobacco support] - when you think the original textures are good - then the Season 2001 texture will blow your mind. Check out the previews on EMAC's website!
Is it hard to change it?
OK - of course you should apply the official patch v1.13 first (then it's a good time to make a backup of your game directory [including all subdirs of course]) Then you have to get an "Encrypted" gp3.exe... That's almost the though part of the Update - in order to be able to modify certain information in the Game the EXE have to be adjusted - but then copy protection starts to work and you can not play the game anymore - so we have to do some modifications on the original EXE in order to be able to modify it with GP3Edit.
Gp3Edit itself gives a perfect instruction how to do this - just install Gp3edit and choose "GP3Edit Configuration" from the "Option" Menu - there you find the Information which you need to get a EXE with which GP3Edit can work [Might be that also some websites offers already an modified EXE]
I've got GP3 Edit v1.13, Car Editor v3.4, Official Patch v1.13, a debugged version and GPxPatch - do I need more?
Sound like you have already the most stuff there you need - [GPxPatch is "just" an add on which improves the game & could be used with any carset - so it's not a "must have" for the Update - but a "great to have" when you are playing the game]
[The CarEditor just been needed if you like to apply the new shape - then you also need a special version of the textures - but you have download the version including the then you also got already the correct version of the carset update GP3Edit file.]
Still STUCK? - How2update Step by Step!
- Unzip the downloaded file(s) - ZIP is a compression format - you need a tool like WINZip which is very common to decompress the downloaded file - then READ the given *.txt's in order to continue with the UPDATE... WINzip is available @
- Get the decrypted EXE from the "Misc and Fixes" GP3 Download section on, [go to - go to the GP3 Section - choose "Downloads" - choose "Misc and Fixes" - download "Decrypted GP3.EXE v1.13"] - Unzip it and copy it into your GP3 Game Directory. When asked to overwrite, choose YES. That easiest way u'r GP3.exe is decrypted and u can start editing (with GP3 Edit, Car Editor, etc...).
- Install Gp3Edit [download GP3Edit]
- Open the downloaded & unzipped carset file [*.GP3] with GP3Edit and choose from the Options Menu "Export to game" [or press Alt+E].