EMACF1.com ONLY the BEST 4 Racing [hosted@emacberry.com]

Installation Instructions/FAQ

Only the Best 4 Grand Prix 3 - EMAC's unofficial Season update Packages

Some of you might have problems with the correct installation of the cars. So here comes an installation guide for Hardware and Software Mode which hopefully everybody can follow.

What you need in any case is a program which can unzip the files which can be downloaded from this side (like Winzip). You DO NOT NEED any kind of JAM-Editor. The files provides by this web side can be used as they are.

All patches requires the FULL installation of the Game !

A single car in GP3Edit Format

  • Extract the ZIP-File.
  • open the .GP3 File with GP3Edit v1.1x or higher (download GP3Edit)
    1. Select the "Export Data to game"-Button from the toolbar
      (The Car to export is automaticaly selected)
    2. Klick on the Quick-Select Button: "Team/Driver Data" two times to uncheck all Checkboxes in the "Team/Driver Data" Groupbox
    3. Select the "Car Number Positions" Checkbox
    4. Press the "Export"-Button
  • You are done ;-)

Import a single MenuArt BMP into GP3 with GP3Edit

  • Extract the ZIP-File.
  • open GP3Edit v1.1x or higher (download GP3Edit)
  • go to the "Artwork"-Tab:
    1. Select the Team you want to update and press the "Load"-Button.
    2. Browse to the Directory where you have extracted the bmp-File you have downloaded
    3. After you have selected the file, press the "Open"-Button.
    4. Press the "Export"-Button to export the File into your GP3 Game
  • You are done ;-)

Cars, Cockpits and Helmets

  • Extract the ZIP-File.
  • Depending what Version [Hard/Soft] you have downloaded copy the .JAM files into the following directories:
       Hard: /Your GP3 GameDir/Gp3JamsH/Liveries
       Soft: /Your Gp3 GameDir/Gp3Jams/Liveries
    (The Pa_*.JAM files are the Cockpits)
  • Please Note: Before copying the files into your original GP3 Game directory make sure, that you have made a backup of the original files !
  • If the ZIP-File does NOT contains a .JAM File - please send a note to gp3support@emacf1.com.


  • Extract the ZIP-File - Important: Make sure when you extract the files, that you keep the file structure included in the ZIP-File.
  • The File Structure should look like this:
       Hard: DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/Genjam/Podgen04.jam
       Hard: DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/Main/JM-*.jam's
       Soft: DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Genjam/Podgen04.jam
       Soft: DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/JM-*.jam's
  • Copy the files into the matching directories of your GP3 Game directory.
  • Please Note: Before copying the files into your original GP3 Game directory make sure, that you have made a backup of the original files !


  • Extract the ZIP-File - Important: Make sure when you extract the files, that you keep the file structure included in the ZIP-File.
  • The File Structure should look like this:
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/Whblur0.jam
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/Whblur1.jam
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/Whbridg0.jam

       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3Jams/Main/Whbridg1.jam
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Treadbs1_art.bmp
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Treadbs2_art.bmp
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Treadgy1_art.bmp
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Treadgy2_art.bmp
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Whblur0.bmp
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Whblur1.bmp
       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Whbridg0.bmp

       DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Gp3JamsH/TechJam/Whbridg1.bmp
  • Copy the files into the matching directories of your GP3 Game directory. For the *.BMP files NO Jam-Editor is needed !
  • Please Note: Before copying the files into your original GP3 Game directory make sure, that you have made a backup of the original files !

Teams, Numbers and Names Performance

  • Extract the ZIP-File.
  • The content of the ZIP-File should be the following files:
  • Open the "EMAC_2001_Names_GP3Edit.GP3" with GP3Edit and export the Data into your GP3 Game. [If you need Instructions how to use GP3Edit see the FAQ]
  • If you like to use the extended Performance Data - unzip the "advanceperf.zip" and follwo the instructions given in the "PERFINFO.TXT".


  • The Tool you need to import / export the images for the Menus is provided by: Garren T. The File you need to import/export images is gp3arted.zip and could be downloaded from here (but it's also included in the MenuArt file you could download from this side)
  • Extract the ZIP-File.
  • The content of the ZIP-File should be the following files:
    (Read me for the Editor)
  • Start the GP3ArtEd.exe and specify the path to the gp3art5.bin file (it's located in the DRIVE/Your GrandPrix 3 Directory/Bitmaps directory)
  • Import for each Team the appropriate BMP-File (a backup of the original Files will be generated automatically gp3art5.bin.old)
  • Quit the Editor


Can you change it back to the original?

Basically all updates modify more or less you GP3 Files installed on your hard drive [e.g. jams]. Most GP3 updates comes with the note, that you should backup you original file before updating...

OK at least one thing is for sure: You have to install the FULL Version of the game in order to use the update - so if you haven't installed it yet - you should do it.

How2Make a Backup?

The simples way to creating a backup of you original game is just copy the complete game directory [e.g. C:\Programme\Grand Prix 3] to secure place. Then you can be sure what ever goes wrong you have all the files you like to have [including you settings & records] - if this is not important you can re-install the game anytime to get the original cars back ;-)

What else do you need to change like performance?

EMAC's carset file contains a additional zip "AdvancePerf.zip" which containing the information what else do you need for applying the complete performance update (including the physical data update via the AdvancePerformaceEditor) - Please read and follow the instructions given there.

But basically the Update contains all Data in the Gp3Edit format [also the basic performance adjustments]

Does it look as good as the original GP3 1998 set up?

The Original "liveries" [textures] are some sort of disappointing when you compare them too the once which are includes in the update - even for the Season 1998 EMAC is proving (made by Jan Frischkorn) an update [with full Tobacco support] - when you think the original textures are good - then the Season 2001 texture will blow your mind. Check out the previews on EMAC's website!

Is it hard to change it?

OK - of course you should apply the official patch v1.13 first (then it's a good time to make a backup of your game directory [including all subdirs of course]) Then you have to get an "Encrypted" gp3.exe... That's almost the though part of the Update - in order to be able to modify certain information in the Game the EXE have to be adjusted - but then copy protection starts to work and you can not play the game anymore - so we have to do some modifications on the original EXE in order to be able to modify it with GP3Edit.

Gp3Edit itself gives a perfect instruction how to do this - just install Gp3edit and choose "GP3Edit Configuration" from the "Option" Menu - there you find the Information which you need to get a EXE with which GP3Edit can work [Might be that also some websites offers already an modified EXE]

I've got GP3 Edit v1.13, Car Editor v3.4, Official Patch v1.13, a debugged version and GPxPatch - do I need more?

Sound like you have already the most stuff there you need - [GPxPatch is "just" an add on which improves the game & could be used with any carset - so it's not a "must have" for the Update - but a "great to have" when you are playing the game]

[The CarEditor just been needed if you like to apply the new shape - then you also need a special version of the textures - but you have download the version including the shape.zip then you also got already the correct version of the carset update GP3Edit file.]

Still STUCK? - How2update Step by Step!

  1. Unzip the downloaded file(s) - ZIP is a compression format - you need a tool like WINZip which is very common to decompress the downloaded file - then READ the given *.txt's in order to continue with the UPDATE... WINzip is available @ http://www.winzip.com.
  2. Get the decrypted EXE from the "Misc and Fixes" GP3 Download section on http://www.alphaf1.com/gp3, [go to www.alphaf1.com - go to the GP3 Section - choose "Downloads" - choose "Misc and Fixes" - download "Decrypted GP3.EXE v1.13"] - Unzip it and copy it into your GP3 Game Directory. When asked to overwrite, choose YES. That easiest way u'r GP3.exe is decrypted and u can start editing (with GP3 Edit, Car Editor, etc...).
  3. Install Gp3Edit [download GP3Edit]
  4. Open the downloaded & unzipped carset file [*.GP3] with GP3Edit and choose from the Options Menu "Export to game" [or press Alt+E].