EMACF1.com ONLY the BEST 4 Racing [hosted@emacberry.com]

Season 2001 from Ralph Hummerich for

Downloadable Files from Ralph Hummerich:

 Files   Size   Date 
 Cars, Helmets etc.. RHF1_2001.zip [8.7MB]
18 Dec 01
The Installer contains all Car's which are also available for download in seperate files!
Requirements [Please READ!]:
Installation: Selfextracting Installer - Just extract the downloaded file unzip it and start the EXE.
FOUR-Ferrari Fix [15Kb]
When using when using the Option "2001 Grid Positions" for a Quick Race (only required, if you have downloaded the carset before the 2001/12/18)

Having problems with the DOWNLOAD?

Think about, that almost everybody wants to get this carset asap !

So the website is extremely busy right now - might be, that you have to try it for a while before you can download the files completely.

Normally the average download volume of the website was 5GB a day - so please be patient - and thanks have go to the sponsors of emac's side [they are paying your download]

PLEASE do NOT send us a email, if you have download trouble - the files are there - but it might be, that they are tough to get.

 Team   Car   Files   Updated 
Ferrari This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge] For the correct display of the Rearwing you have to download an additional file provided by Klaus Hörbrand.
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_F12001.zip [616Kb]

Additional FerrariWingFix1_1.zip [11Kb] by Klaus Hörbrand [intructions in the f12001form.txt]

26 Oct 2001
McLaren - Mercedes This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge]
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_MP416.zip [1.2MB]
31 Oct 2001
Williams - BMW This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge]
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_FW23.zip [1.0MB]

This ZIP also contains the Williams of the 2001 season before the races of USA and Japan. So you can choose your favourite version.

14 Nov 2001
Benetton-Renault This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge]
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_B201.zip [1.1MB]
24 Oct 2001
BAR This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge]
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_BAR003.zip [1.0MB]

This ZIP also contains the BAR without the EA Sports-logo. So you can choose your favourite version.

26 Oct 2001
Jordan This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge]
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_EJ11.zip [548KB]
23 Oct 2001
Arrows-Asiatech This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt] Additionly the file contains the Arrows Helmet's made by J.Frischkorn:
RHF1_A22.zip [810KB]
23 Nov 2001
Sauber - Petronas This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge]
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_C20.zip [785KB]

Special thanks to Jan Frischkorn for his great helmets
Please Note: The carnumber on the frontwing is not very realistic, but this Sauber car-version had the number on the nose-cone...but unfortunately there is only 1 nosecone for both cars

26 Nov 2001
Jaguar-Cosworth This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_R2.zip [586KB]
08 Nov 2001
European Minardi This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge]
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_PS01.zip [1.8MB]

In this file and additional ZIP-file is included. The "MinOld.zip" contains the Minardi PS01in the design of the earlier season, which means without "Magnum"-logos and with Marques-helmet and Marques as driver # 1

Choose which version you want to have in the game.

05 Dec 2001
Prost-Acer This is just a try to find out what is possible in editing F1-2001 cars.
[click on image to enlarge
This car is available as single ZIP File [Install intructions in the readme.txt]:
RHF1_AP04.zip [2.5MB]

If you want to race with L.Burti and the Prost-cardesign of the pre-Monza-races, you will find the neccessary graphics in the ProstOld.zip-file [which is included in RHF1_AP04.zip].

12 Dez 2001